Changing the Appearance of your App

There are three ways to change the visual appearance of your app:

  1. Through your uploaded media assets
  2. Styling the Base Design
  3. Theming


Your media files have a huge influence on the atmosphere of your app. It’s a way to change the appearance without going into technical details. You can upload your own media files in the Media section of the authoring system.

Think about, for example:

  • colors: vivid colors, pastel colors, black and white, …
  • style: realistic, cartoon, pictures, fictionalized, …
  • backgrounds: light, dark, transparent, …
  • meaning: descriptive images, abstract images, …

Map Styles

If your project uses a Map, you can change the appearence and style of the map layers. See Map Component Reference


Interkit comes with a set of variables that define the appearance of the Base Design. They are used throughout all components.

They let you define

  • colors
  • fonts
  • spacings
See the list of variables
key type info
colorText color The default text color used in most places
colorTextStrong color A more intense variant of the default text color used in headers for example
colorTextSoft color A less intense variant of the default text color used for additional information
colorTextLink color The color used for links in richtext content.
colorBackground color The default background color used in most places
colorBackgroundHighlight color Background color that is used in modals, selected <BottomMenu> states and the popout <AudioPlayer> and other places
colorBackgroundBackdrop color Background color that is used in the backdrop of Sections and Chat background
colorBorder color The default border color used in most places
colorDummyAsset color The color used for dummy assets when no image is available
colorTextButtonPressed color The color used for the text of a button when it is pressed
colorBackgroundButtonPressed color The color used for the background of a button when it is pressed
colorTextButtonDanger color The color used for the text of a button when it is a danger button
colorBackgroundButtonDanger color The color used for the background of a button when it is a danger button
colorBackgroundButtonDangerPressed color The color used for the background of a button when it is a danger button and pressed
colorTextButtonPrimary color The color used for the text of a button when it is a primary button
colorTextButtonPrimaryPressed color The color used for the text of a button when it is a primary button and pressed
colorBackgroundButtonPrimary color The color used for the background of a button when it is a primary button
colorBackgroundButtonPrimaryPressed color The color used for the background of a button when it is a primary button and pressed
colorBorderButtonPrimary color The color used for the border of a button when it is a primary button
colorBorderButtonPrimaryPressed color The color used for the border of a button when it is a primary button and pressed
colorBackgroundLabel1 color The color for the background of a label, used in cards for example
colorTextLabel1 color The color for the text of a label, used in cards for example
colorBackgroundChatMe color The color for the background of a chat message sent by the current user
colorBackgroundChatOther color The color for the background of a chat message sent by another user
colorPagination color The color for the pagination indicator in PictureBook
borderWidth size The default border width used in most places
borderRadius size The default border radius used in many containers
borderRadiusButton size The default border radius used in buttons and in elements inside a container. Should be equal to borderRadius for best fit.
borderRadiusLabel size A smaller border radius used in labels
boxShadow shadow The default box shadow used in many containers. The default evaluates to a 1px border
googleFont googleFont url fragment for first font to load from google fonts
googleFont2 googleFont url fragment for second font to load from google fonts
fontFamilyInterface fontStack font stack for interface font (--font-family-interface)
fontFamilyContent fontStack font stack for content font (--font-family-content)
fontHeadline1 font text style for interface headlines 1
fontHeadline2 font text style for interface headlines 2
fontHeadline3 font text style for interface headlines 3
fontHeadline4 font text style for interface headlines 4
fontHeadline5 font text style for interface headlines 5
fontBody1 font text style for interface body 1
fontBody2 font text style for interface body 2
fontSubtitle1 font text style for interface body 2
fontSubtitle2 font text style for interface Subtitle 2
fontButton font text style for interface buttons
fontCaption font text style for interface captions
fontCaptionBold font text style for interface captions (bold)
fontOverline font text style for interface 'overline' style
fontContentHeadline1 font text style for content headline 1
fontContentHeadline2 font text style for content headline 2
fontContentHeadline3 font text style for content headline 3
fontContentHeadline4 font text style for content headline 4
fontContentHeadline5 font text style for content headline 5
fontContentBody1 font text style for content body 1
fontContentBody2 font text style for content body 2
letterSpacingHeadline1 size letter spacing for interface headlines 1
letterSpacingHeadline2 size letter spacing for interface headlines 2
letterSpacingHeadline3 size letter spacing for interface headlines 3
letterSpacingHeadline4 size letter spacing for interface headlines 4
letterSpacingHeadline5 size letter spacing for interface headlines 5
letterSpacingBody1 size letter spacing for interface body 1
letterSpacingBody2 size letter spacing for interface body 2
letterSpacingSubtitle1 size letter spacing for interface Subtitle 1
letterSpacingSubtitle2 size letter spacing for interface Subtitle 2
letterSpacingButton size letter spacing for interface buttons
letterSpacingCaption size letter spacing for interface captions
letterSpacingCaptionBold size letter spacing for interface captions (bold)
letterSpacingOverline size letter spacing for interface 'overline' style
letterSpacingContentHeadline1 size letter spacing for content headline 1
letterSpacingContentHeadline2 size letter spacing for content headline 2
letterSpacingContentHeadline3 size letter spacing for content headline 3
letterSpacingContentHeadline4 size letter spacing for content headline 4
letterSpacingContentHeadline5 size letter spacing for content headline 5
letterSpacingContentBody1 size letter spacing for content body 1
letterSpacingContentBody2 size letter spacing for content body 2
scale number A factor that scales the whole theme (anything that is defined in em or rem, and not in px)
distanceScaleFactor number A factor that is used to scale distances, serves only as the default value for inset/outset
inset varOrNumber A factor that is used to scale inner distances within elements (like paddings)
insetX varOrNumber A factor that is used to scale inner, horizontal distances within elements (like paddings)
insetY varOrNumber A factor that is used to scale inner, vertical distances within elements (like paddings)
outsetX varOrNumber A factor that is used to scale outer, horizontal distances between elements (like margins)
outsetY varOrNumber A factor that is used to scale outer, vertical distances between elements (like margins)

You can change these variables visually in the Design section of the authoring system. When you press “Save”, a file called styleTokens.json is saved in your project. It contains all the values of your variables (You can also edit this file directly).

For example, if you change “Color / Text” in the “general” section, it changes the color text all over your app.

Press the “trashcan” to reset the variables to the default values. Press the “undo” icon to revert to the last saved version.

Using the Styling Component (advanced)

The styles that are defined in the “Styling” section of the Redaktionssystem are applied automatically to all parts of your app.

However, you can also style parts of the app differently using the <Styling> component. It opens the same style editor, but applies the values only to all it’s child components.

Some example usages:

  • There is a tab in your app that is in fiction and another one that is out of fiction. You can put the tab content that is in fiction in another style, for example a dark background and fancy font, while the rest of you app appears clearly different.
  • There is a special button that you want to emphasize. You can out it into the <Styling> component and make it stand out, for example with a shadow and big font.


While Styling lets you change the values of a set of built-in variables, Theming is a way to extend and modify the appearence of an app in a deeper and more flexible way.

Applying a predefined theme

Interkit comes with some predefined themes from renowned design agencies:

Name Author Details
Building Blocks Knoth & Renner
Studio S/M/L Studio S/M/L

Use the Sidebar in the Design Tab to apply the themes to your project.

Note that whenever you apply a theme, it overwrites any existing theme files. Applying a theme actually just copies the theme’s files into the static/theme folder of your app.


For full customization, see Theming