
Internally, interkit uses a few database collections to manage data:

  1. Projects: project-related data, 1 entry per project
  2. Users: users, both front and back-end
  3. Sheets: database sheets
  4. Rows: database sheet rows
  5. Messages: chat messages
  6. Channels: chat channels (usually 1 per board)


see source code
import { Mongo } from 'meteor/mongo';

export const Projects = new Mongo.Collection('projects');

- name
- slug
- isDefaultProject <bool>
- isTempalte <bool>
- history [
      event <string> // create_project, ...
- projectServer {
    status: <string>, // running, stopped, ...
    actionRequested: <string> // start, stop, null
    cpu: <number>, // current cpu usage, 1 equals 100% of 1 core
    messages: [{
      type: <string>, // stdout, stderr, system, ...
      text: <string>,
      date: <datetime>
- devServer {
    status: <string>, // running, stopped, ...
    actionRequested: <string> // start, stop, null
- uiState // volatile states for UI

export const Sheets = new Mongo.Collection('sheets');

- projectId
- key
- name
- columns: {
    - key
    - name
    - type
    - reference

export const Rows = new Mongo.Collection('rows');

- projectId
- key
- slug
- sheetKey
- values: {

export const Messages = new Mongo.Collection('messages');

- projectId
- sender <userId>
- recipients [<userId>]
- outputOrder
- channel_key
- payload {
    - type // "text"
    - text
- createdAt <Date>
- handledAt <Date>
- handledBy <array>
- origin <string> // null (=user?), handler, cron
- seen // array of userIds that have seen the message

export const Channels = new Mongo.Collection('channels');

- projectId
- channel_key
- active <bool>
- title <string> // "Goserider Platz"
- label <string> // "Gruppenchat"
- image <mediaFile red {type: "mediafile", value: "id"}>
- lastMessageSent <Date>

export const ScheduledEvents = new Mongo.Collection('scheduled_events');

- projectId
- method // "message.send", "user.moveTo"
- status // "scheduled", "done"
- execTime // execution time
- payload // object, depends on type

export const Themes = new Mongo.Collection("themes");

- slug
- meta
- readme

if (Meteor.isServer && Messages._driver.mongo._oplogHandle) {
  console.log('oplog is enabled');
} else {
  console.log('oplog is NOT enabled !!');

// create indexes for full text search
Meteor.startup(() => {
    "payload.options.label": "text", 
    "payload.text": "text", 
    "channel_key": "text", 
    "sender": "text", 
    "recipients": "text"
  }, {
    default_language: "none"