System Architecture

Interkit consists of three elements. In the standard installation via Docker, each runs in it’s own container.


A meteorjs backe-end server that handles

  • the database (see collections)
  • media files (uploaded files)

Every project, as well as the admin interface, needs to connect to an interkit server


A node back-end server that handles project files and repositories.

  • serves projects via HTTP
  • runs vite servers for project development
  • runs project servers (“story”)
  • manages project repositories with git.
  • has several RPC and REST interfaces
  • connects to server via ddp

The bundler is required for the admin interface to work. Apart from that, projects are able to run standalone.


A svelte front-end to edit projects (Redaktionssystem / admin interface). It connects to the server and sends requests to the bundler in order to manage project files.


This graph illustrates the connections between the subsystems and containers.

graph TD subgraph c0 [Server] subgraph c1 [Server Container] server[[Data Server]] end subgraph c2 [Bundler Container] bundler[[Bundle Server]] starter(Starter App) projectserver[Project Server] end subgraph c3 [Admin Container] admin[[Admin Server]] end db[(Database)] media[(Media Files)] repositories[(App Repositories)] end subgraph Browser app(( Web App )) redaktion((Redaktionssystem)) end server === |ddp| bundler server === |ddp| app server === |ddp| redaktion server === |ddp| projectserver server -.- |tcp| db server -.- |mount| media bundler --- |http| app bundler -.- |directory| starter bundler -.- |mount| repositories bundler --- |http| redaktion bundler -.-> |process| projectserver admin ----- |http| redaktion class c1,c2,c3 container; classDef container fill:#fff,stroke:#444,stroke-width:3px classDef server fill:#eee